Friday, July 4, 2008

The Lady with Stomach Pain

A middle-aged lady has been suffering from recurrent stomach pain for which she takes antacids either over-the-counter (OTC) or on prescription. And today she has come for her regular prescription of antacids. Yet closer questioning revealed that she had been taking "pain-killers" for her "migraine". Sometimes she obtained the pain-killers through prescription and many times it was once again OTC at the pharmacy. The pain-killing drugs, unfortunately, have caused the gastric pain. When her blood pressure was taken, it was 170/110 mm Hg (normal is 120/80 mm Hg) and very likely this has been the cause of her headache, mistakenly termed as "migraine". Had this high blood pressure been detected earlier, she would not have suffered the misery of stomach pain as adequate treatment of her high blood pressure would have taken care of her headache.

Should you have frequent headache, please get your blood pressure checked!


N said...

normally , i would be drinking loads of water but there was a time that didnt work so i had to sleep it off.

Marcella said...

Dear Noor,
If you can sleep it off then the pain is not that bad! Still it is good to be mindful of the effects of long-term use of NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as ibuprofen and use these drugs, if you really need to, judiciously. Quite often in some setting, NSAID prescription is accompanied by antacid, e,g gelusil.