Saturday, May 31, 2014

Double Whammy - Backache and Gastric Pain

A 56 year old lady, an old acquaintance of mine, CML, came to the clinic with a two -day complaint of an explosive diarrhoea, painful abdomen (stomach) and bleeding haemorrhoids.

She was from outstation and came to the city to attend a conference. She stayed at a hotel and the following morning suffered from a severe backache which she attributed to the lumpy hotel bed. As she had to do a lot of walking, she decided to buy a painkiller (generic) from the pharmacy to reduce her back spasm. The backache prompted her to change hotel room for a firmer bed.

She took the painkiller on the first day of her conference and did not suffer from any side-effects. On the second day, she took the second dose and later had a very hot Thai foods for lunch. That very night she experienced the most excruciating abdominal pain and started to purge and was not able to sleep. The purgings continued and they worsened her haemorrhoids which began to bleed. Whatever she ate became watery stools and she was really sick and unable to continue attending the conference.

She was treated with oral rehydration, anti-haemorrhoidal treatment and ordered a strict bland diet. The diarrhoea continued for almost five days before normal stools finally reformed. It was a horrible period for CML. What started off as a local backache which was alleviated by sleeping on a better bed had turned into one miserable episode of general illness.

The lesson here is whenever you are taking a painkiller in the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID like brufen or voltaren, you must not irritate your stomach by subjecting it to extremely spicy foods. Somehow the combination of NSAID and chilies is disastrous for the lining of your stomach and intestines. Irritated, the intestinal tracts just cannot absorb what you are eating and pass on rapidly through the system. I also noted that her painkiller was generic and not film-coated which predisposed to gastritis as compared to the safer film-coated and more expensive proprietary drug.

The whole of the intestinal tract is affected by the unfortunate combination causing it to develop multiple minor bleeding points. Somehow milk further worsens the condition due to possibly the rapid transit time in the tract and reactive acidity due to sudden alkalinisation. The only way is to take bread slowly in small but frequent amount and insipid tea and oral rehydration salt to replace the lost fluid and minerals in the diarrhoea.

Avoid Hot Thai Foods
when taking strong painkiller

Painkiller in the NSAID category especially non-film coated ones cause gastritis and hot chillies also cause gastritis due to its high acid content and so we have a potent mixture which could bring any person down. People need to be extra careful about foods especially when they travel.

TM- Advantages of Dividend Reinvestment Scheme (DRS)

I have been with TM for a long time. A fairly long time. I have gone through the company from the time it still had the international component that is now AXIATA. I like it because it is a defensive stock which has been giving generous dividends of about 22%. It's capital repayment exercises, every two to three years also allow the investors to lock up gains and reinvest at a lower stock price. I must say TM has been creating wealth for me all these years.

For the financial year of 2013, I received the first dividends of 9.8 % and the second declared value is 16.3% which in all constitutes 26.1%, slightly higher than that in FY2012, at 22%.

Four days ago I received a message on my phone that the new policy of the company is to give an option for all eligible shareholders to reinvest the dividend units, an entire electable portion or part of it. I have yet to get the DRS form from the share registrar, Tricor.

 I have no problem about this policy because most of the time I have not used the dividends but instead invest it into another unit trust. I have noted TM's EGM resolutions which have all been approved recently and downloaded the TM DRS proposal

I have also looked at the Maybank write-up on their dividend reinvestment plan or DRP which is similar to  dividend reinvestment scheme or DRS by TM and have some ideas on how this policy operates. Maybank is among the first to implement DRS or DRP in Malaysia and have prepared an excellent FAQs.

From my understanding, following each dividend declaration, you will be asked whether to reinvest 100% of the electable portion of the dividend or part of it or you would rather accept cash. So your decision is based on a particular dividend.

Dividend Reinvestment Scheme (DRS)
is a form of Forced Savings
Why reinvestment of dividends? To me it shows that the company is confident in giving long-term value to its investors. Moreover the reinvested shares will be calculated at a discount of not more than 10% of the market price and bypassing brokerage fees. Thus I am getting more for my money.

 This is also a form of forced saving, making you more disciplined in handling your dividend payments. Apart from that you would be buying the shares regularly regardless of the price at the time and in the end the cost would average out and as your overall number of shares appreciates so does your wealth in the longer term.

I think it's a good scheme for me as I am not really able to monitor the daily stock prices and have much earlier on made a decision to stay with TM for the long term.