Monday, June 1, 2009

World Milk Day on 1st June... aRe YoU CeLeBrAtInG?

Today is World Milk Day! The day when the whole world comes together, every year, to celebrate the goodness of milk since 2001. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation ) of the UN (United Nation) is instrumental in creating greater awareness of this important global food source.

Milk is one of the most nutritionally complete foods. It is the best source for calcium and vitamin D, nutrients essential for building strong bones and teeth. It is protein-rich and great for building and repairing body tissues. Studies have shown that milk, when consumed as part of a healthy balanced diet provides several health benefits including lower risk of cardiovascular disease and lower risk of colon and breast cancer. No wonder, in Hindu culture, the cow which produces milk, is held sacred.

There are people, especially elderly post-menopausal Asian women who complain of abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhoea after taking milk. In most cases, this unfortunate condition can be overcome if you take milk every day in small volumes. This is to enable the enzyme lactase in your gut to be slowly reactivated so that your milk digestion would return to normal. Normal milk digestion will prevent the above symptoms so that you can fully reap the health benefits of MILK.

Lactase activity is usually low in the gut of non-milk drinking people, making them intolerant to milk.. do not despair, you can try the above gut sensitisation exercise.... if after four to six months, it still fails, go see you healthcare provider as your lactase enzyme might not be there at all.... but this should not be an excuse for you not to celebrate World Milk Day!

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