Friday, November 27, 2009

CHaNge aNd chAnGing ThINgS ArOuNd.

I like changing things around  once in a while. I think it is good to let people see refreshing change instead of the old appearance time and again. Some people change their cars every now and then and those who cannot afford will sometimes have their cars repainted a different colors. Change is a form of emotional release for individuals

                                                                    My favorite jacaranda blooms

Usually people do not change something they wish others to identify them with. For example you normally would not change the flag of your country as people have come to recognise it as a symbol of your nation.

I remember though some countries change their names to indicate their departure from colonialism for example Burma is now called Myanmar, Ceylon now Sri Lanka, South Rhodesia is now called Zimbabwe in fact many of the African countries have now been renamed. I was looking for Madras in India but it is now referred to as Chennai and Guangtzu in China is the old Canton.

Names of institutions are also frequently changed  such as  Malayan Banking is now known as Maybank, Hongkong and Shanghai Bank is now HSBC and Arab-Malaysian Bank has been renamed AmBank. And if you look at some of the logos of companies, you will notice that Telecom Malaysia has changed its logo the same goes to Shell whose shell has changes in shape.

Though we do not normally change our name, but you must have been familiar with western movie stars who change their names to more glamorous sounding ones such as Marlyn Monroe for Norma Jean. I think Nicholas Cage actually was born with an Italian name. Even our Tan Sri P Ramlee was actually Teuku Zakaria and Saloma was Salmah Ismail.

Have you noticed your local supermarket which keeps rearranging their stuff every now and then? You can also see this in hotels which keep on refurbishing their hotel rooms every seven years or so. I used to stay at the Kuala Lumpur Park Royal and the Seri Pacific and what a welcome change it was when they redecorate their rooms  from glum set to bright minimalist concept. It is like having a completely new experience.

Some people go to the extent of changing their life partner when they find that they are no longer compatible. I cannot imagine that scenario though sometimes it does cross my mind when I am angry :D.

As for me this time, I have just changed the color scheme of my blog.

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