Sunday, April 3, 2011

Music as a Therapy and Music as A delight

I have always loved music and songs. In fact I was quite interested in singing when I was a young girl in a boarding school. My music teacher Miss Chua would encourage me to train my vocal and I remember when "Do Re Mi pi Ca So" were supposed to be vocalised at the different frequency length of your larynx or voice box and you were supposed to breathe in deeply when making certain sound so that you can modulate your voice making it beautiful to hear! Gosh if only I was not talked into doing medicine! (just joking guys). Anyway the late Miss Chua is my favourite teacher and I have always loved her like my mother.  She made me love music. Bless her soul.

When I was working in a General Hospital, there was this elderly Pharmacist whose wife was a music teacher and somehow he got hold of all his interested staff to come up with a musical ensemble and they would go around the wards in the afternoon to play their soft beautiful music for patients and I could see that the patients' eyes would light up and as they smiled. They enjoyed listening to the music irrespective of ethnic groups. Beautiful music is universal. That is music therapy for you and it worked everytime for convalescing patients, speeding up their recovery at least emotionally.

Music is the expression of the soul. Good music and songs would never fail to make me high even in my saddest of moments.I used to buy a lot of CDs sometimes just to get that beautiful piece from an album but now with  music sharing on the net I no longer have to bother wasting money buying unnecessary pieces. Just download those that you specially love and play them to your heart's content!

I love good music and songs particularly those with meaningful lyrics. That is why I chose 'It's the climb" originally made famous by Mylie Cyrus and beautifully covered by Joe McEllery, the 2009 Britain's Got Talent champion.Listen to the lyrics of "It's the climb" you can see that it is about a person who keeps on trying and trying despite the obstacles. It's the challenges which make you stronger as you go through life and not what you finally achieve..... "It ain't about  how fast I get there, it ain't about what's waiting on the other side...". 

Yes, I must admit that when things get a lit bit worked up and  when life becomes a chore, I take refuge in listening to music. Actually I love classical music and used to listen a lot to Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Chopin, Beethoven and Edvard Grieg but I figure I should also be listening to NEW music and current singers like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Michael Buble, Usher and of course Mylie Cyrus so that my brain's nervous connections are making new  wiring routes instead of just sticking to well known paths of  favourite classical music that can play in my mind the minute I think of them!

I think you can keep your mind fresh and alert by stimulating it with a variety of organised sounds that are music and songs. The other way towards stimulating your mind is by reading a lot and imbibing knowledge, others' experiences, new ideas, concept and theories.  Your mind needs to be constantly challenged to remain active. Fill it with happy sounds and good and positive thoughts.And of course good nutrition.

It is good to post something not related to my work or the stock market because life, after all, is about balance. My PChem, by the way, is doing exceedingly well that it is currently boosting my mood as well :D.

Anyway this morning I woke up with a certain music, a piece from Peer Gynt Suite by Grieg called "Morning" and I am posting it here to be played for my pleasure and for those who find music as therapeutic and delightful. Enjoy. 



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