Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Obama .... Yes We Can!

I have been following the US presidential campaigns since February 2008. In fact I know more about the US candidates than my country's election candidates! I know about their families, their service and their policies, all because they are transparent. I watched both Hillary's and Obama's rallies and marvelled at how they could talk and expressed themselves to the people. I visited their websites and read numerous blogs about them. Indeed, the American people are really fortunate because they are able to choose leaders whose personal background and public characters they know.

I watched MaCain and Sarah Palin and was quite familiar with their policies and tactics. The three debates between the two presidential candidates had enabled me to choose my favourite. Gradually I liked what I saw in Obama and started praying that he would win the election and become the US president. This man emanates trustworthiness and dedication.I become more convinced of his integrity after reading his book "The Audacity of Hope". I cannot describe him any further than what has already been said in thousand of words on the internet and mainstream press.

I like the First Lady Michelle too when I heard her being interviewed by Larry King on CNN, she was both simple, expressive and dignified. My only hope, and I am sure that of others as well is that Obama can deliver and fulfil most of his campaign promises. Not only are the citizens of United States of America hopeful but the rest of the world as well. The credit crunch started in America and it is only fair that the new President works toward lifting it and the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza... a monumental task but the words "Yes we can" keep ringing in our ears.


Unknown said...

Yes , we can! :)

but can we say that statement when voting for a 'government' in Malaysia...hmmmm..not yet...
Maybe need to wait a 100 years or so...

Marcella said...

In Malaysia, Yes we can! We can jump:)