Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ooops.. not the bugs again!

On my second last day in Edinburgh which was miserably cold and wet, I developed a sore throat and had started to croak.. and gosh! I forgot to take with me some antibiotics or antihistamine and not even a paracetamol for pain and fever though thankfully I had no temperature. I asked Zana for a sour plum and keep it in my mouth for some time.

Before that we were merrily hopping on and off tour buses to see Edinburgh attractions at 10 pound per person for one tour and at 13 pound per person for all four tours to different routes and ticket is valid for 24 hours.. so you guess which ticket did we buy? The Scots certainly know how to entice tourists to all their historical and entertainment spots. We had glimpses of the Edinburgh Castle, the Palace of Holyroodhouse where Mary Queen of Scot used to live and the grand old ship the Royal Brittania, altogether the trips lasted nearly three hours. Not many people on the buses as the weather had become foul by midday.

Had dinner again at Garfunkle's but by that time my appetite had deserted me.We returned to the Lodge in the drizzles and stayed by the fireplace while waiting for our room to warm up as we had opened a window before we left in the morning.Managed to buy OTC paracetamol with added caffeine and it was working by the time I hit the bed... but the caffeine was causing me problem all night.. remember it is a diuretic! I had a miserable time the next morning at breakfast when my favourite cereals and milk tasted like chalk and my poached eggs smelled yukky.. toast and butter are also off and my nasal congestion had worsened though miraculously my throat was no longer hot and sore.. thanks to the sour plum..

Back in London now and the temperature, at minus 10 degree C is colder than Antartica! For the last two days I did not venture out as my coughs had become a nuisance and did I imagine streaks of blood there..but still no fever and I took an antihistamine to relieve my congestion. Counting backward, I must have contracted the bugs in Brussels :( Tut.. tut.. thoroughly foreign species.

By the way, the train from Edinburgh was an older model without the dining car and the sophisticated toilet and would you believe it... no water in the toilet... gosh in Her Majesty's train? I believe the toilets in the whole train were without water..I had an emotional headache though the situation was not as bad as when I was traveling on a train from Beijing to Shandong, China some years ago.

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