Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2014

Maaf Zahir Batin
I would like to wish all my Muslim patients and blog visitors "Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri, Maaf Zahir Batin" or "Happy Eid Fitr".

After a month of fasting, the Hari Raya, the first day of which falls on Monday 28 July is indeed a celebration of gratitude born out of strict self discipline and rejection of physical and psychological temptations.I salute all of you who have gone through this rigorous mental and spiritual exercise.

During the feast remember the Ministry of Health guideline in its campaign against rising obesity in Malaysia. It is called 55555 guideline. Here they are:

  1. Eat 5 food groups a day to get a variety of nutrients
  2. Put not more than 5gm or one teaspoon of sugar in your drink
  3. Eat not more than 500 calories at each meal
  4. Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day
  5. Exercise 5 times a week
Celebrate but keep your discipline developed during the fasting month and stay healthy, avoid obesity.

Obesity leads to shortened and poor quality of Life ;
Don't  contribute to an early statistic

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