Friday, June 7, 2013

A Man's Tribute to World Environment Day.

I am sharing this video on World Environment Day on 5 June 2013, which  is very soothing, picturing a mountain and a flowing river with a wonderful background instrumental music called "Hymns of the Mountain".

We are living today in one of the most exciting times of our lives. Imagine someone in India sitting by this river in soul-calming solitude and sharing with us his experience and the fact that he is also a music lover added value to his visual sojourn.

These are my favourite photos from Biswarupsarkar72 on Flickr, showing pollinators of plants, essential in regenerating and propagating the forest of the world and keep us in natural balance.

Rollicking beetles - (Flickr)

Busy Bee

Elegantly patterned butterfly

All these creatures  are quietly playing a role in our environment. The extensive use of pesticides has proven to be disastrous in some countries. I have come across reports in China where the absence of bees has led to trees not flowering and fruiting as a result man has to manually pollinate each plant to mimic what Nature does naturally. It is a scary thought when man, out of his intelligent maneuverings could end up destroying our precious planet, our home in this universe. 

Nature Knows Best

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