Sunday, July 10, 2011

Colonial Mentality of Certain Asians in Hospitality Industry

I have traveled rather extensively around the world particularly the Asian region. I have noticed one particular annoying habit of some Asians when dealing with their kind and Caucasians. I want to relate some of my experiences on this matter.

Pan Pacific KLIA-used to stay here many times
Have you all ever noticed when you are in the hotel, the staff will usually politely ignore you if you were an Asian but will vigorously wish "good morning sir, how are you sir this morning..blah..blah .." loudly when they see an "orang putih" (Caucasian)? I was going to breakfast one morning in a local 5-star hotel when, as I entered, nobody said anything and then when a couple of Europeans came after me , I could hear the friendly greetings erupted behind me. Here I was a professional and paying the same hotel rate and for all you know the Europeans, in this case, Australians could be welders in their country and was given such warm greetings. I did complain to the hotel manager and after that I found I was acknowledged vociferously by the staff of that hotel. I hope they do the same to other local patrons.

In Indonesia was the same. Once I stayed at the Borobudur hotel in central Jakarta and a friend a British (Caucasian) World Health Organisation (WHO) Consultant was with me. I entered the handicraft store at the hotel first as I wanted to buy some silver jewellery, my colleague, Gordon just wanted to accompany me and he was slightly behind. I went straight to the jewelery counter and would you believe it? The sales girl moved quickly over to where Gordon was and asked what he wanted to buy, completely ignoring me! I heard Gordon say " No, it's the lady over there (that's me) who's got the money". I was riled up and told Gordon we were just leaving!

Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta

Another occasion at the Sukarno-Hatta airport as I was arriving in a taxi I could see a man with a trolley coming over to me only to veer off when he saw the taxi behind mine had a Caucasian man. Another man behind the first had to come to collect my bags! Ironically after our bags had been offloaded to the check-in counter, the Caucasian tipped the worker RP500 (60 sen Malaysian) and I gave the worker who collected my bag RP2000 ( about RM2), I heard the man arguing with the European who completely ignored him and moved off. Serves him right I thought.

Coffee House at Manila Pavilion

Then there was an incident at the Pavilion Hotel in Makati Manila when I was coming back from shopping with another UNICEF French Consultant, Jacques. As we entered the lobby two security staff searched my bag and pointed some gadget all over my body before allowing me to enter. The strange thing was Jacques, a tall good looking European, was not even checked the way I was! Anger overcame me as we went to the Coffee House and I refused to drink and was quite upset at the unfair treatment. Then Jacques did something surprising. He pulled my hand and virtually dragged me out of the hotel and we re-entered the lobby and before everybody, he said in a loud voice, " Check me! I want to be checked too!". The two security personnel were rather bewildered as they quickly pressed the gadget over Jacques's body. It was hilarious. Then we went to the Coffee House with my friend Andrew from Sarawak and I drank happily with a cheese cake too paid by Jacques. I always remember the Frenchman.

MAS cabin staff are one of the best in the world

My most recent unfortunate incident was three weeks ago. Having shown my boarding pass to the female staff at Gate C26 at KLIA satellite building for MH139 bound for Australia, I proceeded through Channel A towards the business class cabin. As I was walking I heard a male voice calling out to me and said in a rather loud tone, "Excuse me the economy class is this way!" pointing to Channel B in full view of other passengers. I was stunned and in a split second I realised that this male MAS ground staff, seeing that I was an Asian, had thought that I could not possibly afford business class. I was irritated and told him, " Yes, I am on economy but I am coming through THIS WAY!" and proceeded to the business cabin and promptly complained to the Leading Steward about the behaviour of the pathetic ground staff. As it was, I was the only Malaysian in the cabin but that did not mean that the staff should make any assumption on anybody. I have lodged a formal complaint against this staff who has sullied MAS's reputation.

I have traveled on business class during my international assignments many times but I have never encountered a blinking MAS staff with a chip on his shoulder. Would he have behaved the same way had I been a Caucasian? I very much doubt it.

These are examples of people who are stuck with colonial mentality, pandering to the "orang putih" as if these people cared for them. I related this bad habit to my Aussie friend JDC and he cheekily said, yes, Asians seem to give preference to  Caucasian male travelers especially if they are six-foot tall ( like him!) and in a nice suit.... my "pied" Your Honour!! (that's "foot" in French).

Brisbane International Airport
Ironically, I was treated very nicely at Brisbane International business class check - in, was invited to Qantas Club lounge and graciously ushered in to the cabin by a Caucasian MAS ground staff on my flight home.

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