Tuesday, March 1, 2011

JCY - Am wondering about the Company

I am on the downside as far as my roller coaster ride with JCY is concerned. Today's price at 0.615 has wiped up 53.5% of my investment, a paper loss. And its recent financial quarter loss did not help matters. Looks like  I am in for a long haul on this stock. I just hope that the company doesn't fold up under this intense low demand pressure. As the company was just listed in Feb 2010, its previous performance was not generally known unless you read the prospectus prior to listing that I must admit I did not as I bought the shares in July and Aug 2010. The opening price was 1.48 which was  lower than its IPO price of 1.60 and the highest price before the precipitous fall was 1.98 I think.

JCY performance spiralling downwards
From my observation  on economy-dependent stocks, JCY stock would likely to recover  in 2012 -2013 as the Euro zone debt crisis eases triggering demand for computers in such countries. So I am supposed to bite my lip and slog along just like I did with SIME in 2008 and realised my effort by 2010. Somehow when you do this, time seems to crawl. Yet this is a form of acceptance so that I can move on with other wealth creating strategies.

So JCY can go as low as it wants to ( no more dollar averaging for me!) and I am going on the sideline and just watch and wait for the time when it turns around hopefully and then end my adventure with technology stocks. Come to think of it I am now wondering why did the company decide to list in Feb 2010 because within less than six months the stock tumbled badly. Usually when you supply materials to big manufacturers you would have got forward orders for the following year then you would have known about your receivables/risks already...... I am thinking aloud. If what I think and fear happened as it was here then we investors have to be really be on the look out for such companies and protect ourselves. Have I thought this way  in July last year I would not have dollar averaged on three blinking occasions! No surging happiness in this stock.

Such are the challenges that small investors face! Some people would do anything to get at our hard-earned money so beware.

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