Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Another Grateful AQUARIAN today

Red Roses and yellow chrysanthemum from Rumi

Just after the clock struck 12 midnight my young son was ready with a gift, beautifully wrapped up, for my birthday. I was surprised as he had never done this before. Cards yes, but not a gift! Both Dad and son then sang a Happy Birthday song complete with "for she's a jolly good fellow??". I  will definitely treat them to their favourite Italian food cooked by real Italian cuisine chef tonight.

                                                              A gift from Danny my son

I decided to work today so that I can cut my long-term patients' waiting time as I am leaving for London in about four weeks time for a fortnight of holiday. As I entered the clinic, two of my nurses came up to wish happy birthday right in front of those waiting patients. Not enough with the wishing, they went on with the "Arab" kissing as well! Gosh.. wasn't I overwhelmed!

As I sat down my nurse told me all my regular patients had been scheduled in the afternoon. In case there were walk-in patients, she would inform me. What was I to do? I decided to go online and completed a couple of British Medical Journal (BMJ Learning) Continuing Medical Education (CME) modules for my annual CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points.

                                                                                   A lovely Bouquet from Admin Staff

Then the florist came with the flowers and fruits.... I am really touched with my family,colleagues and staff's gestures. I am very grateful to have beautiful  people around me. Yes, you are happy when people regard you well and remember your birthday.... Hmmm.. please do not remind me that I am getting older though :)

                                              Purple and yellow chrysanthemum from Maria


AC said...

Wish you a very happy birthday :)

Marcella said...

Thanks AC :D