Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cold And Nipping It

I have not had a cold for many months. The last one I had was sometime last year. No I do not take any preventive medications, in fact I am the last person to even take a panadol for my headache. In a nutshell, I never really like medicine in general. What I normally do when I am about to get a cold is to nip it in the bud. To do so you have to really be aware of your body's reaction. In my case I could feel that I am about to catch a cold when my nose started to feel "congested" in which case, I quickly prepare a bowl of fairly warm water and add a bit of common salt and soak a face towel in it then you wring out the water and press the towel onto your face over those sinuses... for 5-10 minutes and believe me it works... the trick is to catch the "watery and congested nose" very early.... once the cold is fully established this remedy will not work ...... try it, it will save you from missing out on work or having to visit your doctor.

(A note of caution, make sure the water is not too hot for you before applying the compress)

I also have a remedy for stopping a sore throat... if anyone would like to know.. be glad to share.

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