Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Touching Story of Jeremy the Koala

Koalas are adorable. You can hold the tame ones close to your chest without any fear of being attacked or even scratched. I did that some years ago at Lone Pine, a Koala sanctuary in Brisbane, Australia. A treasured memory.

The story of Jeremy the koala rescued during the recent Adelaide Hills bushfire reminds me of Sam the koala whose image I have always placed prominently in my blog. Sam was also rescued during the a widespread bushfire in Victoria, unfortunately she died due to some internal infection unrelated to the fire.

Jeremy the  three-year old male koala also had his paws burnt and had to be treated to prevent infection. He was very well looked after and later released back into the wild. Here are his images for my record and blog visitors.

Sad looking Jeremy found with his paws burnt during the bushfire
Source : ABC News

Sedated Jeremy being treated with all paws in antiseptic solution.
Source : ABC News

Jeremy's paws were soaked,treated and bandaged for several weeks, at an estimated cost of cost of more than AUD 6000 to the Australian Marine Wildlife Research and Rescue Organisation (AMWRRO). However donations poured in from good-hearted people when they saw him being treated on the FB of the organisation. Jeremy's paws have now healed and he was just released back to his natural habitat today.

Rehabilitated Jeremy being released into the wild , one last look at his human  saviours
Source : ABC News

Stories like this really warm the human heart. What would animals do without human under these circumstances? By the way the fortunate koala is named after a fire volunteer Jeremy Sparrow who found him and brought him in for treatment and so saved his life.

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