Monday, May 30, 2011

My BLoG - DoINg It My WaY

Some of my friends and readers have suggested that I  separate my postings on medical subjects  from  those on  stock-market  and other stories. I am sorry to say that I am unable to follow the suggestions as I do not wish to feel tied up to a subject. I write whenever I feel like it  and not because I have to.

In this blog are all about my expressions, thoughts and experiences that I would like to share with people who are interested to read them.  I want to avoid the drudgery of writing in many blogspots. So those who are interested in my professional experiences can just look up the relevant topics and those who want to read about my stock-market rantings and raves on successes and failures can do so by following such topics .... all under one roof, one blog.

I am mulling over changing my blog's look but I love Sam the Koala so much that I wonder how it would be without her. Anyway I have changed my blog's  title to reflect what I am about.

Happy reading!


AC said...

I love your current blog the way it is. No need to separate them.

Marcella said...

Hi AC,
Long time no see! Thanks for visiting. Hope you are fine and doing well.