Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011- A TruLy oNE- WoRLd CeLEBraTiON

As the new year was dawning I managed to text many of my friends wishing them all the best for a good NEW YEAR . In turn I received messages from those who I believe, like me, perceive the annual transition as  meaningful to their lives.

I think most people believe this annual transition as a mark on new hope/resolutions, on the  need to do better, to have learnt from mistakes and to improve their lives in every sphere. Otherwise how do you interpret/explain the beautiful fireworks in most of the capital cities of the world? From Sydney to Hong Kong, Taipei,  Tokyo, Dubai and New York, cold London where a quarter of a million people congregated to celebrate, joyous Edinburgh to  Rio De Janeiro. It was indeed touching to see humanities having a common celebration! Truly 1 World. The wonderful fireworks really lifted the new year spirit. It looks like all the great capital cities are competing with each other to showcase their best this year. Let us hope it the year 2011 will be better for all of us.

1 World Celebration of New Year 2011

Thank you to all those in the world capital cities who brought us the spectacular fireworks displays!

Now, what is a new year without the sound of firecrackers  and fireworks? Even the people around my city were doing their bits by putting up those individual fireworks display! As I sat by my veranda atop a hill, I saw all around me bright, colourful fireworks of different patterns, star-like, vertical, circular, sideways and around tall condominium apartments lighting up the sky right at midnight and they went on for about 20 minutes. It is so good to see people celebrating and having a whale of time. And I did wonder where did they get to buy those deafening firecrackers, they are supposed to be banned aren't they? I smiled to myself and prayed  that those who released them would not be caught, after all they were only celebrating once a year.

I turned on CNN/BBC/ ALJazeera and witnessed the joy in other parts of the world, such is the state of technology advancement in our world. We are closer "cyberly" and it is my earnest prayer that all the world inhabitants will be closer spiritually and make this beautiful planet of ours a safer place to live by eliminating senseless wars between nations, ethnic groups and different belief and ideologies. We have in our armament another major uniting factor in this world that is football/sports where almost all nations come together to participate, get to know others and learn to understand. Only through understanding do we seek to practice tolerance and perhaps concession wherever relevant.

We certainly need more tolerance in this world. Respect other peoples' belief and practices and keep on improving relationship by meaningful and mutual engagement.

I wish to share one of my fave messages from my friends.. here goes:

EXPIRY DATE: 31 Dec 10, for all things listed below: Sadness,Tears, Sorrow, Jealousy, Hate, Vengeance, Angry, Fear and  Disappointment ..... MANUFACTURING DATE: 1 Jan 11, for all things listed below : Smile,  Laughter, Happiness, Success, Friendship and Love.. May God bless you! Happy New  New Year 2011.

And I would add, Understanding, Tolerance and Forgiveness.

Happy new year 2011 to all my friends and blog visitors and in line with the pulse of this blog, may you all have good health and take measures to maintain it and may you all also have better times in our progressively vibrant stock market.

The new year may be  an opportune time  to restructure, diversify and adjust asset classes in your wealth creation. It is for me.

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