I have some cash coming my way following the conclusion of a successful contract. I was debating where to put it so as to make it work for me. It is no use putting in the bank due to the low interest rate. After some calculation I found that if I were to put it in Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia (AS1M), the dividend would not be as much as the calculation will be proportionate to the period the money stays in the fund despite the expected rate of seven percent.
I was scouting for a good and consistent dividend-paying company in the stock market. There are quite a number but many whose share unit price is relatively high. For example TM and AEON is such a company but their price is more than RM3 so if I were to park 30,000 units in TM I have to fork out more than RM90,000.00 just to get RM3,900 (before tax) at a dividend rate of 13 sen. For AEON it is much higher as the share price is above RM5.
After some research I decided to invest in a construction company, PRTASCO whose dividend's history looks impressive and the share price then was only RM1.03. So acquiring 30,000 units was fine at RM30,900 (exclusive of market fees). And right on the dot, the company announced a 5 sen dividend to be paid in early June. This is not bad getting RM1,500 within three months while you sleep.
If you look at it, the current dividend yield of PRTASCO at 4.7% is slightly better than TM at 3.75%. This is a risky way of multiplying your money though . What if the share price suddenly plunged? Dare not think of it.... it's just like what happens if a gargantuan meteorite hits earth tomorrow?...
To make me sleep much better and to balance my risk appetite, I have already parked some of my savings in Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia (AS1M) whose unit price is RM1, for five months till the dividend is declared in September. The price is fixed so I am not worried about market volatility. Moreover the dividend yield is expected to be high so why hesitate?
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