One of the greatest inventions of all times has got to be the internet where information is at your finger tips and interaction is virtual. I have managed to keep abreast with my professional skill and knowledge through this medium.
I communicate with my colleagues and friends, both old and new, seamlessly. I even send images of disease conditions to experts and have had a fruitful interaction with a blogger who happened to be a Harvard professor, unheard of, prior to the internet era unless of course, you had the opportunity to study in that ivy league. I am very grateful and mindful of net etiquette. I would like to think that like any society, most netizens are genuine but there are also some bad elements one needs to be wary of.
Desolate ...
Through my blog, I meet some very nice people. People who are anonymous but individually operates a "live" blog all the same and as I mentioned in my profile I respect their privacy. How I wish everyone who is net-savvy would think this way. Of course I am being rather naive here. There are dangers lurking in the net. From friendly comments which I welcome, unsolicited responses which I tolerate, advertisements which I occasionally cringe at, to downright abuse, spam and pornography, let alone all those viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, malware, adware, you name it, they are there, surfing with you.
Do not send any email from your computer to an address which you do not know because your IP and location can be traced. So my friends, surf the net by all means for your positive "growth" but be aware and be safe....
I communicate with my colleagues and friends, both old and new, seamlessly. I even send images of disease conditions to experts and have had a fruitful interaction with a blogger who happened to be a Harvard professor, unheard of, prior to the internet era unless of course, you had the opportunity to study in that ivy league. I am very grateful and mindful of net etiquette. I would like to think that like any society, most netizens are genuine but there are also some bad elements one needs to be wary of.
Desolate ...

Through my blog, I meet some very nice people. People who are anonymous but individually operates a "live" blog all the same and as I mentioned in my profile I respect their privacy. How I wish everyone who is net-savvy would think this way. Of course I am being rather naive here. There are dangers lurking in the net. From friendly comments which I welcome, unsolicited responses which I tolerate, advertisements which I occasionally cringe at, to downright abuse, spam and pornography, let alone all those viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, malware, adware, you name it, they are there, surfing with you.
Do not send any email from your computer to an address which you do not know because your IP and location can be traced. So my friends, surf the net by all means for your positive "growth" but be aware and be safe....