Saturday, August 9, 2008


What an auspicious date for China to launch the 29th summer Olympics opening ceremony! It was such a spectacular burning of the Olympics torch...such limitless resources and impressive combination of the old and the new. Looking at those Olympians smiling away as they marched in into the bird nest stadium really lifted my spirit and hope for all nations to coexist and become united through sports. China has also done an excellent job of preparing to receive international visitors. Beijing, despite the weather and the smog will be remembered long after the Olympic torch is extinguished.

Rich and poor nations come together in the planet greatest arena of human endeavors... hope it will not be spoilt by the likes of Ben Johnsons and Marian Jones. Quite surprising though that Brunei's participation was rejected due to late submission of registration?.. Brunei is a wealthy nation come to think of it..even Iraq has managed to get in, at the last minute, to fly aloft their country's sacred flag.

Good on China, there is so much to look forward to in a world infused with international understanding nurtured through sports.

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